
Showing posts from 2018

BP 5 Introduction

When one looks up the definition of modernization, they are welcomed to the generic definition that it is the process of adapting something to modern needs or habits. However, modernization encompasses so much more. Modernization is a never-ending process that affects the entire world at different times in multiple different ways. For example, it can include introduction of processed foods, automobiles, mechanized labor, technology, and much more. Looking at modernization, it's always viewed as a positive change with hardly any negative effects. However, the negligence of viewing modernization as a solely positive transformation has made people unaware of the way it negatively affects countries around the world. Take the small island of Saba, located in the beloved Caribbean. It is a clear example of where modernization has taken a dark toll. In Saba, modernization has created adverse effects on the health of majority of its citizens by a growing rate of diseases, obesity, and hy

BP 4

Currently, my research has been slightly difficult. I've been running into trouble on developing a strong clear thesis, so I need to work on that.The topic I have chosen, the health effects of modernization, is something that really makes me think deeply because it is truly a subject I have never thought of as having possible negative effects. So far, I have learned it has led to a extremely concerning rise in obesity and deadly diseases through out islands in the Caribbean such as Saba. The next few things I plan to research is how did modernization originally start in Saba and in the Caribbean as a whole. With that knowledge, I think it will give the audience good background knowledge for the rest of my paper. 

"Little Cog-Burt" & "Cotton Candy" (BP 3)

In the short stories, "Little Cog-Burt" & " Cotton Candy", there are many similarities and differences that be observed within the author’s messages. Although both stories have complexities to their morals, they both have a simple message of there is more complexities to a person than meets the eye. This message that has been created by both women is influenced by their personal lives and achievements. Both authors, Phyllis Shand Allfrey and Dora Alonso, are both known advocates for human rights. While Allfrey has created a name for herself as a known activist for Dominican laborers rights, Alonso has made numerous famous stories that deal with the hardships of Cuban peasantry. Both women have gained world wide recognition for their contribution to a better society.  Phyllis Shand Allfrey Dora Alonso Their beliefs and struggles in life can be seen within their stories. For example, in both stories, there is an element of deception and miscon

Tetiyette and the Devil (BP 2)

T he story, Tetiyette and the Devil, is transcribed from Creole by a 17-year-old Guadeloupean girl, where an oral tale is told regarding a picky girl who must get married. The problem arises with the girl’s personality trait where she chooses to focus simply on the outwards appearance of the individual and not the inside. Thus, ultimately leading to the girl’s untimely downfall. Through this tale, the author identifies the intended audience, young women and people of Guadeloupe, by telling the story in Creole and making it specifically about a young woman’s consequences of not listening. The original teller of this story had a very clear message, look deeper than just someone’s appearance. This moral is conveyed through the author’s precise usage of literary skills and the combination of prose and poetry. Many literally skills can be seen through out this tale. For example, instead of choosing to describe all the male suitors, she selects certain metaphors, such as pig and goat,

Saba & Saint Eustatius (BP 1)

T he countries, Saba and Saint Eustatius, are two out of three Caribbean Netherlands municipalities. The island of Saint Eustatius was discovered by Christopher Columbus on his 1498 voyage. Originally, Saint Eustatius was first colonized by the French and English in 1625. After their short 7 year reign, the Dutch had taken control of Saba and Saint Eustatius.   However, the Dutch control had not become permanent. The island switched control roughly 10 times from 1664-1674. Eventually, the island would completely return to Dutch control. By 1828, Saint Eustatius and Saba would officially form a colony in the Dutch West Indies. In 1845, all the other Dutch dependencies in the region were placed under collective administration. By 1954, the dependencies became the Netherlands Antilles, with each land gaining local autonomy. However, In 2006, the people of Saint Eustatius, along with the other islands, agreed to dissolve the Netherlands Antilles. In 2010, the Netherlands Antilles officia

About Me

I’ve lived in Georgia for most of my life, but I spent some time in New York and Massachusetts as well. A few interesting facts about me are I love animals and I enjoy making artwork. Recently, I've grown a fascination with watching intuitive shows such as Criminal Minds or X-Files . Currently, I have many aspirations in life, but am unable to pick a definitive one. I’m unsure if I want to go into business, law, or if I want to go onto a political path and join the FBI. However, I’m hoping as I progress through life, the answer becomes clear on which path I should go about.